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In the name of God
At your request: For the independence of your country, and for the liberation from the new US colonialism, you are hereby informed that: The matter was raised at the first meeting of the Supreme Council: the Islamic United Nations and agreed to your request. So you can have a Constitution and presidential election for yourself, like an independent country. Replace the People's Police Force with the Federal Police, and use the National Army. If any country, including the United States, attacks you as an aggressor, fight him. You must occupy the U.N building for jobless and homeless people. Never connect by to party and election
It is your new Mark and flag
May God help you and keep you
Secretary General of the Islamic United Nations
Ahmad Hosseini
فخامة رئیس الأمم المتحدة
تحیاتی و تحیاتی
وقال "نحن أهل جنوب الیمن وکل الیمن نطالب بإلغاء قانون الولایات المتحدة". حتى یکون لکل منا ، کدولة مستقلة ومعترف بها ،: رئیس له تصویت مباشر ودستور. إذا کانت تلک المنظمة لا تعترف بنا وتقدم الأعذار ، فسیتعین علینا جمیعًا أن نحاصر الأمم المتحدة ونحاصرها. یمکننا حتى إشعال النار فیه! لأنه: یعیق أهدافنا.
الشعب المستقل لجمهوریة الیمن الإسلامیة
Honorable President of the United Nations
Greetings and Regards
"We, the people of south Yemen and all Yemen, call for the repeal of the United States law," he said. So that each of us, as an independent, recognized country, has: a president with a direct vote and a constitution. If that organization does not recognize us and makes excuses, we will all have to surround the United Nations and surround it. We may even set it on fire! Because: it hinders our goals.
Independent people of Islamic Republic of United Yemen